Sunday, December 16, 2018

Getting Started Using ZK Framework

ZK Framework

Hello everyone, Today i will be showing some ZK framework. ZK framework is an open source AJAX Web application framework written in java that enables graphic user interface for web application.

Here some of ZK components you can try at home:

The components above shows how to create user input, the code above shows how to implement it. Using textbox to create an input for user to type and also a button to submit what ever user have entered.

The Components above shows how to implement a textbox and a date field. To implement a textbox you will need <textbox> tag and for the date you will need a <dateBox> tag.

The components above shows how to implements a gird in ZK. First you need to define a <grid> tag, then inside that <grid> tag you will need to add <Columns> first  and inside that tag you will need to add the amount of column  you need. For this example i have 5 column. After the columns has been added, then you can implement the rows. The same way as you add the column you will first add a <rows> tag and inside that tag you will need a <rows> tag.

The components above shows how to create a list of data. Firstly you will need to create a <listhead>, this tag is for creating the title of the list. For this example i have put "Model", "Make" and "Type".
After the <listhead> tag, you will need to create a <listitem> tag. In that list item you will need a <listcell> tag in order to shows the information and also a "label".

The components above shows how to create a tab in ZK. First you need to define <tabbox> tag, inside that tag you will need a <tab> tag, you can implement as much tab as you want, for this example i have put in 3 which are "our product", "Live demo" and "Online Documentation". You can also add a <style> tag to make some customization in your tabs.

These are some components that is in ZK framework and there are plenty more by visiting the ZK official website.
In that website you can get different type of components and you can test them by using or you can try using eclipse to show your result.

Thank you.

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